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The Closing Meeting of the ODYSSEA project took place at the University of Brasilia on October 7 and 8, 2019: ODYSSEA project lessons, Observatory of socio-environmental dynamics in Amazonia.

The day of the 7th was rather devoted to a review of the results by Work Package and by research site (Santarém, Nord Pará, BR-163, Manaus,...) between researchers of the project, concluding with a world coffee for a self-evaluation of the project and group work for perspectives.

The day of 08/10, more institutional, brought together representatives of the French Embassy, the Portuguese Embassy, AFD and the EU Delegation in Brazil with civil society actors from all the states of the legal Amazon (rural unions, municipal services, foundations, NGOs, universities) and researchers around the main question "How to mobilize science to meet the challenges of societies in the Amazon? ». The programme organized in the form of round tables gave the floor to different types of social actors who took part in our research and brought their insights on the challenges to be met for an engaged science.

Please find below the 11 links:

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