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Region of Santarém

Funded in 1754 by the portugueses, the economic activity has long been based on non-timber forest products. Timber extraction amplified between 1940 and 1970.

In the 1970s, the BR163 higway construction and of a hydrodam in the Tapajós River combined with government incentives for colonization induced a population boom. The 1990s are marked by the expansion of large-scale mechanized agriculture (soy) and the construction of the Cargill port with large social and environmental impacts. During 2000s, the widespread campaign against soy-driven deforestation culminated in the soy moratorium in 2006 enabling a reduction in deforestation rates.

Regional challenges

  • Economic expansion with conflictual models of development and socio-demographic boom.
  • Rapid urban expansion with limited infrastructure
  • Hydroelectric dams in the Tapajós and Madeira River
  • BR163 and grain agriculture expansion
  • Hydroclimatic changes

Today the region still suffers from illegal logging, accidental fires that degrade the remaining non-degraded forest. The expansion of soy agriculture and urban region with limited infrastructures lead to water quality issues and raise health problems.

Main questions of past and on-going research

Impact of climatic and socio-environmental changes on water quality : ClimFabiam, Bloom-Alert & Bonds

  • What is the influence of climatic and environmental changes on water quality and aquatic biodiversity and their potential effects on health?
  • How do local population perceive these changes and adapt?
  • How can the construction of scenarios help think adaptation?

Land use and impact on biodiversity and carbon storage : Rede Amazônia Sustentável

  • What are the impacts of forest clearance, degradation and exploitation?
  • What are the factors that determine patterns of land use, management choice, agricultural productivity and profits?
  • What are the trade-offs and synergies between development and conservation ?

Agriculture expansion and contaminants : projeto Glifosato

  • What are the impacts of large-scale agriculture on rural communities ?
  • What are the forms of contamination from herbicices and pesticides ?
  • What health problems have been detected ?
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